Making Money Online – How To Make Money From Article Writing

I’ll be the first one to admit that article writing can be a very tedious process but it can become quite lucrative as a marketing strategy if you are methodical in applying the right principles.

The idea when writing an article is to help others with the expertise and information you possess as an individual. However, that information will not be very helpful nor will your expertise be appreciated if the article doesn’t gain any exposure. There are two main factors that affect your article’s exposure.

The first is where you decide to submit your articles for online publication. Great exposure comes from submitting your articles to good article submission sites like Ezine Articles, Articles Base, Go Articles, and Articles Hub. There are many others out but these four are the top in the industry.

The second exposure factor is your choice and use of keywords. When writing your article make sure to pick the two best keywords that you want it to be ranked for. Using keyword tool like Keyword Spy Pro you can research which keywords are high in demand (by global search results), but low in competition.

Use the stronger of the two keywords based off the criteria above as your primary keyword, meaning have it appear in 3-4% of your article. So for example, if your keyword is “making money online”, it would appear 3-4 times for every 100 words of your article. Even though “making money online” is composed of three words it is considered as one keyword if it appears consistently throughout your article in the same word order. Your secondary keyword should have a 2-3% density in your article.

Also be sure to use a combination of the two keywords in your title because it will allow your article to be found quickly when others type those words in their search.

The desire to be ranked higher for the keywords will tempt you to increase their density but be advised that doing so will be considered spamming which can cause your article to be ranked really low on search engines and rejected when submitted to article sites.

The key to good article writing is to make sure to write the article for the readers first. Don’t let the keywords get in your way of writing a fluent, helpful article and therefore making money online with it. Insert your keywords in a way that appears natural to the readers. Once you’ve written for the readers then you can go back in and tweak it for the search engines. Remember, content first, cash after.

Speaking of cash, once you have your well written article in hand you can now begin monetizing it.

First, you can write an article with the intention of using it solely on search engines. This allows you to put multiple links back to products and services off which you get commissions. For example, using the following keywords; ‘buy weight loss pills’ and ‘weight loss reviews’ you could write an article comparing a few weight loss pills you already have knowledge about. If you don’t, then maybe you should Google some info or better yet be writing about something that you have knowledge of.

Because of the keywords from above, when a reader locates your article from a search you already know that they are looking for weight loss reviews with the intention of buying. They would be considered a presold customer. So now all you have to do is sell them on what you’re reviewing. You should have already included in your article affiliate links back to weight loss pills offers you are promoting.

Based off of your review recommendation the reader will most likely click through to the offer(s) you’re promoting and when they buy you get paid. If your article is well written they will see your promotion as a genuine recommendation, which it is, and from there comes the payout.

Another way of monetizing article writing is by submitting them to article sites like the ones mentioned earlier. They have more strict guidelines on what kinds of links or self promotion can be included in the article(s), however, the benefit of submission sites is that they allow you to have a resource box where you can include a link to your site, or promote an affiliate offer.

Follow the sites’ rules for submissions and you’ll begin to see that the benefits far outweigh the work you put in. You can even see a higher payout if others begin to re-post your article on their sites. If this happens enough times the back links and exposure to the site you included in the resource box are priceless.

Article writing is a great way of making money online. Unlike most other marketing strategies it is a free way of promoting yourself, your products, and getting sales. It also provides an added value in that you are sharing helpful information with others.

The final motivator as to why you should begin writing articles is the fact that once you write and post an article it is on the web forever. The more people continue to come across your article the more sales you potentially make. You could be making sales today off an article you wrote ten years ago.

So don’t let the writing monster scare you because the cash superhero is right on its footsteps.

If you’re a newbie to article marketing I would recommend you start with some form of coaching. There are experts out there who will provide you with some great guidance. These are the principles I use to make money online with my article writing. I’m doing it so I’m sure you too can learn the techniques to start making money online with your articles.

Source by Tamba Joseph Foyah

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