Holistic Dog Food Recipe – Why Cook Your Own Dog Food?

When you make food at home for your dog, you want to make it in your way free from preservatives and chemicals that can cause illness and even death when bought from outside stores. There are different ways to make homemade dog food so as to increase, efficient digestion, and increased life expectancy. But feeding course should not be spread for too long days like human food as your pet’s food will go bad. Once you’ve learned and will start feeding your dog holistic dog food recipes you will notice a significant increase in their health and happiness. Energy levels will raise, coats will be shinier, and they’ll be much happier.

Beef or Lamb Stew:

You will require:

a. 1 lb low fat beef or lamb.

b. 3 potatoes.

c. 3 carrots.

d. 2 Tbsp Olive Oil.

e. 2 celery sticks.

f. 2 pints chicken or beef broth.


Put meat in sauté pan in 2 tbsp oil. Cook it till brown colour is formed. Then, stew the meat in broth for 45 minutes. Add vegetables and cover it. Simmer for 45 minutes until all are softened. Finally, cool and serve it.

Chicken & Rice:

You will require:

a. 1 cup boiled chicken.

b. 1/2 cup cooked brown rice.

c. 1/2 cup steamed mixed veggies (carrots, green beans, peas, spinach, potatoes).

d. 4 Tbsp unsalted chicken broth.


Boil chicken, add to cooked rice. Then, team veggies, add broth, rice and chicken. Simmer for 10 minutes. Now, cool and serve it.

Salmon & Pasta:

You will require:

a. 1 salmon steak or other fish fillet.

b. 1/4 cup unsalted chicken broth.

c. 1/2 cup cooked pasta.

d. 1/2 cup steamed mixed veggies (carrots, spinach, zucchini).

e. 1-2 Tbsp olive oil.


Saute salmon steak or other fish in pan 5 minutes on each side with 1 Tbsp olive oil. Cook pasta and add to salmon in pan with chicken broth and veggies. Then, simmer for 10 minutes and serve after cooling.

Remember: Fresh holistic dog food has to be made from fresh ingredients, served immediately, and kept for no more than three days in the refrigerator. Dogs don’t usually like cold food, so when serving their dinner, leave the dish out till it can be served at room temperature.

Healthy Fresh Snacks for Dogs (Peanut Butter Dog Biscuit):

Fresh carrots or apples are great snacks for dogs who enjoy crunchy tidbits. For dogs who prefer their biscuits with a little peanut-flavored crunch, then try this simple recipe:

You will require:

a. 1-1/2 cups whole wheat flour.

b. 1/2 cup peanut butter.

c. 2 Tbsp wheat germ.

d. 1-12 tsp dry yeast.

e. 1/4 cup cornmeal.

f. 1 cup water.

g. 1-1/4 cup white flour.

h. 1 tsp cinnamon.

i. 2 Tbsp turmeric.

j. 2 Tbsp beet powder.


Blend ingredients well. When dough is ready, roll it into a 1/4 inch thickness. Then, lightly grease cookie sheet. Bake dog cookies for forty five minutes at 325° temp. Turn off oven and let cookies dry in oven several hours. They should be hard and crisp after three hours. Now, store it in a fridge overnight in airtight container.

Source by Duane Culp

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